Antonym of Happiness

At the end of the day

Before we fall asleep,

Cheerfully staring at

Dazzling sky full of stars;


Enamored of herdimples,

Flawless smile, and word

Gorgeous couldn’tdepict

Howstunning she looked;

Ilaid my head in her arms.


Just like velvet to my skin,

Kisses on my forehead felt

Like a heaven,but that was

My last breath on the moon


Never knew it was the end

Of her love and my drama;

Pinned turning to archived,

Questions without answers;

Right butharsh, I let her go.


She came around, loved me,

Taught me how to be a man

Until I learned to ignore the

Value of her tears; poor girl.


With her,bliss was anything;

Xenawho tried to lift me up,

Yet I did not even notice her

Zeal for our love, I was blind.


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